December 22, 1914
Today, on the 110th anniversary of the Sarıkamış Operation, a battle fought between the Ottoman Empire and the Russian Empire, we honor the brave heroes who were martyred for their homeland. Among the tens of thousands of soldiers who struggled in the cold and harsh conditions that defined the course of the war, Circassian volunteers held a significant place.
Expelled from their homeland and subjected to a great genocide by the Russian Empire in 1864, the Circassians viewed the Sarıkamış Operation not only as a struggle of the Ottoman Empire but also as an opportunity to liberate their homeland. With the hope of freeing their land from occupation, they joined this battle in large groups as volunteers.
A Story of Patriotism and Sacrifice
The Circassian volunteers contributed to the extraordinary struggle at Sarıkamış with their courage and selflessness. Under the harsh winter conditions, marching through snow and blizzards, many of these heroes had to fight not only the enemy but also the freezing cold. This sacrifice stands as a testament to the depth of the Circassians' love for freedom and their homeland.
Today, we commemorate with mercy and gratitude all the soldiers who lost their lives in the Sarıkamış Operation, especially the Circassian heroes who fought with a longing for their homeland. Their memory will forever live on in the collective memory of the Circassian people and everyone who inhabits these lands.