As a new year approaches, it is time for the Circassian community to remember our historical responsibilities and to raise new hopes for the future. Despite global challenges, the Circassian people continue on their way by preserving their unity and not giving up the ideal of independence.
We Draw Strength from Our History
Despite the heavy costs of exile, diaspora and assimilation, the Circassian people continue to protect their culture, language and identity without breaking away from their roots. As Circassians, the year 2025 may not only be a new calendar year, but also a new beginning for unity, resistance and solidarity.
Independence is not a Dream, but a Goal
The struggle of Circassians throughout history is the greatest proof of our belief in freedom. Today, even though we are a people scattered all over the world, our common goal is clear: To build the independent future we deserve by preserving our language, culture and identity.
The struggle for independence is not only a political demand; it is also a symbol of justice, freedom and a dignified life that the Circassian people deserve in every geography they live in. The small steps that each of us will take on this path are vital for us to reach our big goals.
Call to the Circassian People in the New Year
The year 2025 can be an opportunity for the Circassian people to step into a new era. We can all contribute to this struggle by fulfilling our individual responsibilities:
Let us protect our language: Raise our children in our mother tongue. Speaking and writing Circassian is the cornerstone of keeping our culture alive.
Let us protect our culture: Let us keep our identity alive by keeping our traditions, dances, music and values alive.
Let us be united: As Circassians living in different countries and regions, let us strengthen our solidarity, remove the borders between us and act in line with our common goals.
Let's Build the Future Together
Circassian people never gave up even in the most difficult periods of their history. In the new year, we must act with this determination and increase both our individual and social struggle. Let us not forget that independence and freedom will be possible with the steps we take for a future we will build together.
Let 2025 be a year in which the Circassian spirit revives and we take stronger steps towards unity and independence. May the new year bring hope, strength and solidarity for all Circassians who will carry the legacy of a past full of struggle into the future.
Happy New Year!